Smart Matched Betting
Guaranteed Profit from Free Bets
Our intelligent software is the fast and easy way to make you profit from bookmaker free bets.

Matched betting is a legal betting technique used to profit from free bets and incentives offered by bookmakers.
Profit is accumulated based upon mathematical equations rather than chance - it is not gambling.
All profits are tax-free.
Learn More about Matched BettingCreated by experienced matched betting professionals, Smart Matched Betting is the first tool on the market that takes you step-by-step through the matched betting process.
Using our simple wizard, we take the hard work and risk away to bring you fast returns.
Register with us and link your Betfair account. After just five minutes you're ready to do your first offer without investing any time learning techniques.
Doing all the hard work for you means you get your real money profits sooner.
We provide a unique wizard that automates the process of matched betting.
There is nothing to learn! In just few simple steps, you start making money.
Our Betfair Approved wizard safely automates the matched betting process.
We never hold any of your money. You will only ever deposit funds with a bookmaker or Betfair.
We do not have access your bookmaker accounts, or need any of their details.
You can choose to either pay a commission on the profit we help you make, or to subscribe on a monthly or annual basis.
View our Pricing page for full details.